Privacy Policy

Last Updated June 11th 409 (2024 C.E.)

1. Overview

SovAu is committed to protecting your privacy online and provides this Private Society’s - Privacy Policy to inform our website and Indigenous site members of our services, policies, and procedures regarding the collection, use, and disclosure of personally identifiable information received from members of the Sovran Indigenous Blockchain, including but not limited to the Right of the Indigenous to Self Determination. This Policy applies to all site visitors, members, and merchants.

The terms "We," "Us," "Service," "SovAu, and Sovran blockchain " refer to the Sovran Indigenous Blockchain. The terms "You" and "You're" refer to you as a ‘non-corporate,’ ‘nonlegal fiction,’ ‘Indigenous Man,’ ‘Natural Person,’ ‘Private Society Member’ or private Society the Sovran Indigenous Blockchain. The terms "Personal Information" and "Your Information" mean information that you provide to us that may be required to personally identify you to be contacted or identified, such as your name, phone number, email address, and any other data that is tied to such information. "Your Private Content" refers to the information that you submit or use to open an e-wallet on the Sovran blockchain. By using our Service, you are consenting to our processing of Private Blockchain Transactions as set forth in this Privacy Policy now and as amended by us. If you do not agree to these terms and the terms in our TAC, please do not access or use this site or our Sovran Blockchain Account e-wallet.

2. Information Collection And Use

Our primary goal in the initial opening of your SovAu e-wallet is verification by blockchain AML that your e-wallet will not be used for such undesirable, illicit or nefarious uses of your SovAu e-wallet which may negatively impact our capacity to continue offering you a Sovran Blockchain e-wallet.

Natural Person Information and Paraphrase information provided by you for opening your e-wallet provides you with a way of resetting your Sovran Blockchain Indigenous natural person SovAu account.

We do not collect or report your Private Sovran Blockchain information from your e-wallet:

Private Society Members and Natural Person Information. If you proceed to create a Sovran Blockchain private Society members e-wallet account, your account is deemed to be a private man natural person’s account.

Your Private Man ‘Natural Person’ Content. By submitting Your Private Man information for the use of the Sovran Blockchain, you agree that you wish to open a Sovran Blockchain Society e-wallet as a natural person; your information remains private.

Feedback. If you contact us to provide feedback, register a complaint, or ask a question, we will record any Personal Information and other content that you provide so that we can effectively respond to your communication.

Activity. We do not record information relating to your transactions or use of the Sovran Blockchain Society e-wallet Service.

Cookies. We do not collect, use, or send cookies to your computer, except the most basic. The server generates the required minimum session cookies to ensure session continuity. No extra special tracking is required or used.

Enforcement. We do not collect information (including your personal information) in connection with your use of the Service in accordance with our TAC and Privacy Policy.

3. Information Sharing

Sovran Blockchain Society will not distribute or report your Information to any third-party legal entity. Any request for information would need to provide proof of Jurisdiction.

Members and Merchants are allowed to share their SovAu funds privately with other Indigenous Members and Merchants who opt in for an Indigenous Man’s Sovran SovAu e-wallet.

Members and Merchants are permitted to invite other Indigenous to assist other Indigenous Sovran Society members to view the SovAu Website.

4. Updating Or Correcting Your Personal Information

Members can update their e-wallet with their Blockchain Paraphrase Personal Information provided initially to create a free Sovran Blockchain SovAu e-wallet. We encourage you to promptly update your Personal Information if you need to change it. You may change any of your Personal Information with your paraphrase at any time in accordance with instructions posted on the website. Should you need further assistance, please contact

5. Privacy Practices Of Third-Party Sites

The Sovran Blockchain Society may contain links to Indigenous Sovran Nations or Kingdoms websites such as Byzantium Regnum or The Government of Turtle Island from which we have Charters and Indigenous affiliations. Except as otherwise discussed in this Privacy Policy, this document only addresses the use and disclosure of information we collect from you. Other sites or exchanges accessible to facilitate cryptocurrency transactions through to our site via links or service partnerships have their own privacy policies and data collection, use, and disclosure practices. We are not responsible for the policies or practices of third-party Blockchains or Exchanges.

6. Controlling Your Personal Data

Upon your request to open a SovAu e-wallet, Sovran Blockchain Society may use background AML Amplified with KYC & KYB protocols to ensure compliance protocols to ensure all reasonable efforts to assist you with your opening of a SovAu e-wallet. You are responsible for any errors you make in transferring from your various e-wallets on our Sovran Blockchain or third-party blockchain on your Web3 e-wallet; please be careful to correctly enter your Personal or Transaction to our or other e-wallet on our or other blockchain or e-wallet/exchange systems.

7. Security

Your account is password-protected. We use the above Blockchain industry-standard measures to protect the Personal Information that is on the Blockchain, as well as patented security software known as the Asymmetric Encryption Omni Network (AEON) protocol.

We are very concerned about safeguarding the confidentiality of the Sovran Indigenous Blockchain and do not maintain your personally identifiable information. We employ conventional functions for the initial creation or reinstallation of your SovAu e-wallet, which is designed to protect your Sovran information from unauthorized access.

In order to serve you most efficiently, third-party blockchain transactions are handled by third-party Web3 wallets, which establish their own blockchain processing. They receive only the information needed to verify and authorize your transactions between third-party Web3 wallets and SovAu e-wallets.

You are responsible for all the information you enter for your transactions in and out of the Sovran Network; we do not have any responsibility for errors you make with your input of data over the Blockchain or any network. As a result, while we strive to protect your Personal Information, you acknowledge that: (a) there are security and privacy limitations of the third-party Web3 blockchain wallets which are beyond our control; (b) the security, integrity and privacy of any and all information and data exchanged between you and third-party Web3 blockchain wallets cannot be guaranteed; and (c) any such information breaches on third-party Web3 blockchain wallets may be viewed or tampered with in transit by a third party. You hereby acknowledge that the Sovran Service is not responsible for any intercepted information sent via third-party Web3 blockchain wallets, and you hereby release us from any and all claims arising out of or related to the use of intercepted information on these blockchains.

We will make any lawful required disclosures of any breach of the security, confidentiality, or integrity of your electronically stored personal data to you via email or conspicuous posting on this site in the most expedient time possible and without unreasonable delay.

8. E-Mails

We may use your email address to send you updates and newsletters. Your email address and Personal Information will not be displayed privately.

9. E-wallet Policy For Children

Sovran Blockchain e-wallets are not intended for children under the age of 18. However, a subaccount may be obtained with the permission of their parents or legal guardian.

10. SovAu App

An optional SovAu App may be offered to assist those who choose an easier way to use the Sovran blockchain; this App is particularly designed for ease, efficiency, and accessibility. The Sovran app allows you to take control of your SovAu transaction needs within one App. One of the core features of the Sovran App Ecosystem, the Sovran App provides you with digital asset exchange, asset storage, asset utilization, a Debit Card, optional interest earnings, security management, membership processes, support service contact, and assistance in managing your account altogether.

11. Notification Of Changes To This Policy

You acknowledge and agree that it is your responsibility to maintain a valid e-mail address as a user, member, or merchant, review this site and this Privacy Policy periodically, and be aware of any modifications. If we make any material changes, we will provide notifications on the Service website. Your continued use of the site after such modifications will constitute your (a) acknowledgment of the modified Policy and (b) agreement to abide by and be bound by the modified Policy.

12. Contact

If you have any questions or concerns regarding privacy, please contact us at Your privacy is important to us, and we will make every effort to maintain your sovran privacy.

13. Jurisdiction, Corona Regnum Sovran Covenant Of Silence, Discipline,

No Recognition, Acknowledgement, Or Servitude Accepted

BE IT HEREBY KNOWN TO ALL LIVING SENTIENT BEINGS IN ALL EXISTENCE AND THROUGHOUT ALL CREATION that those who open a SovAu e-wallet do so as a Sovran Cosmic Conscious Being, Living Man, and do hereby operate under the Office of the Corona Regnum Sovran also referred to herein as “Office” to be known as Corona Regnum Sovran, a Corporation Sole, for the Sacro Bisanzio Byzantinistik Konstantinopels Regnum, a Worldwide Sovran Monarchal Society also referred to herein in as “Kingdom” or “Regnum” or “Society”, for the placement, retention, and continuity in perpetuity of all rights, titles, and interests held in the Office for the fulfillment and activation of the Private Society and its Purpose and Mission for the reinstitution of the Byzantinistik Regnum, and that each one who opens a SovAu e-wallet declares ‘ It is My Solemn and Sovran Right by My Will and by My Sovran Decree’ as further enumerated, detailed, and stated below, to be comprised of the redeemed Rights, Titles, Lands, Interests, Properties, Soils, Tenements, Hereditaments, Chattels, Minerals, Waters, Air, and all other Substances now vested, received, accepted, and all such that may in the future accrue thereto, fully and absolutely inclusive of All My Sovran Rights, Titles, Interests, Lands, Tenements, and Hereditaments of and for the Ancient House of Le Patriarcat œcuménique de Constantinople et Byzance hors frontières, by and for King Michael X of Byzantinistik / Konstantinopels Regnum, Le Patriarcat œcuménique de Constantinople / Konstantinopels et Byzance hors frontières.

Authorized by letter patent and the Eternal Imperial law of Basilios Michael X of The Kingdom of Sacro Bisanzio Byzantinistik, Le Patriarcat œcuménique de Constantinople / Konstantinopels et Byzance hors frontières, Executive for Eternity, at the Imperial Court of Byzantinistik, the Capitol Temple of Jupiter, the inner court of palace, Temple of the Kings Court “shēkī`nə who owns the soil, owns all the way to the heavens and to the depth of the earth”

Private Instrument of Establishment and Articles of Creation Corona Byzantinistik Regnum Sovran, a Corporation Sole.

The Corona Regnum Sovran Society for The Byzantium Regnum, as set forth herein, is inclusive to all, exclusive to none, non-denominational and non-hierarchical, within the Disciplines and for the Purposes as herein stated. Any and all Living Men and Women, of right and volitional intent and choice, may enter into the Sovran Society, further proclaimed by ‘My Free Will and Proclamation of Peace and Sovran Integrity, and the Society and Private Contract Association established thereby, a Society of assembled Members, all recognized equal in the shēkī`nə Covenant as a Covenant of shēkī`nə in private association and fellowship, without bond or binding attachment to any political, religious, social, economic, or secular structure. Said Assembly of Sovran Members, through Acknowledgment and Acceptance of the Disciplines as stated in the Proclamation of Peace and Sovran Integrity concurrently Proclaimed with these Byzantium Regnum Decrees, and the Society and Association established for the purposes as therein set forth, shall be available to all Living Beings who choose to accept shēkī`nə Offer of Sanctuary, Protections, and Immunities stated in said Proclamation. Thenceforward, through the dispensation of our shēkī`nə and Sovran Free Will endowed by our shēkī`nə for all sentient beings in this creational field and the reclamation of the Living Earth for all Sovran living things, all shall be able to live free and unfettered by any presumptive claims of inferior, and therefore non-binding, political or religious bodies, with the absolute freedom of shēkī`nə and Sovran Integrity endowed therein to all creation. In witness thereof, I do hereby apply for a free e-wallet in this Office of Corona Regnum Sovran Society in conformity with these Disciplines and Claims of Right. All of Mankind and Womankind of all species shall bear witness to this declaration by witness and cognitive awareness, that the time for Peace, Renewal, and Revitalization of this World has arrived, and shall be fulfilled by all who enter into this Sovran Covenant of Life shall recognize and acknowledge the Existence, Capacity, Privacy, Powers, Authority, Duty, and other Purposes of the Office of Corona Regnum Sovran for the Byzantium Regnum.

By Royal Proclamation and Decree, His Majesty Michael X has established a Covenant of Silence for the Office of Corona Regnum Sovran and may establish other Private Covenants as He may wish for the Office and Corona Regnum. These Covenants are between said Office and the Byzantium Regnum Worldwide Sovran Monarchal Society, the Ecclesiastical Body Politic - Ekklesia for the Byzantium Regnum known as the corp sole – a Private Society, and all Peculiar Members, Office Holders, and Living Beings within Our Jurisdiction, in any and all matters dealing in secular, temporal, and eternal relationships, documents related thereto, and equity. The said Covenant of Silence is equally applied to the Sovran Private Society and all other bodies politic, corporate, private, societal, and otherwise, that are properly chartered by and within the Ecclesiastical Court for the Byzantium Regnum.

The Covenant of Silence applies to all matters of the Byzantium Regnum under the Authority and Powers of the Corona Regnum Sovran and His Majesty Michael X, His Successors, and encompasses all data, papers, documents, records, ledgers, electronic media, transcripts, and any other manner of documentary records and data within the private domain of the Byzantium Regnum, the Ecclesiastical Court and Combined Courts, all Offices, Agencies, chartered entities, and functionaries thereof - henceforth “Records”. All such Records remain a private matter within the Byzantium Regnum and are not subject to subpoena, attachment, lien, impairment, or administrative claim.

Each Office Holder, Overseer, Officer, Agent, Representative, Plenipotentiary, or any other party with Plenary powers vested by the Office of Corona Regnum Sovran - henceforth “Office Holder” shall be wholly bound by this Covenant of Silence, and forbidden to reveal any Records to any outside party in the public without express written permission of the Corona Regnum Sovran or His authorized agents. All such Office Holders are required to affirm his or her acceptance of the aforesaid Covenants until his/her death. Each Office Holder agrees to set off for liquidated damages by self-assessment (in the nature of Self-Confession of Judgment and Self-Executing Contract), the amount of 10,000,000 Dollars of silver Specie Coin (face value) as defined in the Kingdom Mint and Coinage Act, for each occurrence of a breach, with such liquidated damages being a charge against the breaching Office Holder. This amount of applied liquidated damages shall also be transferable to any person, whether corporate or individual, who attempts to forcibly compel the Office Holder or other individual holding an office of trust for the Corona Regnum Sovran, Societies named herein, or the Byzantium Regnum, to reveal the private documents, business matters, records or affairs of the Corona Regnum, Kingdom, or Societies against his or her will in maintaining said Covenant of Silence. Proper notice shall be first provided to any claimant who attempts to compel such a breach, prior to any application of liquidated damages thereto.

DISCIPLINE – Continuation

This Charter for Corona Regnum Sovran is intended to exist in Earthly perpetuity. No demise, collapse, or failure, either in fact or in operation, of any State, state, country, or nation, whether organic, purported, de facto, or otherwise, shall cause this Charter to cease to exist, but rather the Corona Regnum Sovran and His Successors shall retain all necessary and sufficient powers under the controlling Trust established between the Office Holder and His or Her primary Source as Divine Principal, as a Covenant of Office and Ancestral Lineal Authority for the Ancient and Original House of Byzantium.

DISCIPLINE - No Recognition, Acknowledgement, or Servitude Accepted

In the event of the demise of any of the earthly corporate forms spoken of herein, this Charter and Corporation Sole, for the Byzantium Regnum, by Royal Prerogative of His Majesty Michael X, and His Successors, explicitly does not recognize, acknowledge, receive, or accept any emolument or contractual bond from any foreign state or any servitude in favor of any such foreign state, except by way of negotiated private treaty. Furthermore, this Charter for Corona Regnum Sovran, a Corporation Sole, for the Byzantium Regnum, explicitly denies and disavows recognition, acknowledgment, receipt, or acceptance of any purported office or any purported officers thereto without the original Organic Law and Jurisdiction established herein, that being the mandate of the shēkī`nə and the Law found in the original tomes of what is today known as the Holy Bible, and inclusive of all apocrypha and “lost books” thereof. Such shall become part of the Kingdom Library and permanent archival record system on an ongoing basis through diligence and research, that shall endeavor to bring to the light of day the true record of the historical and ancestral mandate that empowers the said Office of Corona Regnum Sovran and the Byzantium Regnum, a Kingdom for Peace and Life, for the Sanctuary, Protections, and Immunities of all Sentient Living Beings and the living, life-nourishing systems of the Earth and all of Her living systems.

DISCIPLINE - Non-Waiver of Original Organic Law

Corona Regnum Sovran, a Corporation Sole, for the Byzantium Regnum, does not recognize, acknowledge, receive, or accept any alleged or purported jurisdiction as “in this state” or “within this state” or in the state alleged to include, as stated, for example, in California Revenue Code Section 6017: “‘In this State’ or ‘in the State’ means within the exterior limits of the State of California and includes all territory within these limits owned by or ceded to the United States of America,” or in any other State revised statutes or reference to “this state” or “in this state” or statutes and codes similarly constructed, including the Buck Act of 1940 as codified at 4 U.S.C.S. Sections 105-113, nor does Corona Regnum Sovran, a Corporation Sole, for the Byzantium Regnum, waive any jurisdiction to said alleged “in this state,” or “within this state” or to the United States of America, or any superior Real Party in Interest thereof. Furthermore, this Charter grants no servitude or other purported rights “in this state” to any other entity to any soil, chattels, land, property, or rights to land or property in any form which have been secured by the all-inclusive Claim of Rights stated herein, or otherwise donated, bequeathed, bought, or contracted for, to be or are currently being held by Corona Regnum Sovran, a Corporation Sole, for the Byzantium Regnum, its subsidiary Offices, or any other party associated by consanguinity or contractual nexus thereof. The aforesaid reservation and non-waiver apply to any purported use of any alleged power which is not premised upon and limited by the original Organic Laws of the Byzantium Regnum, as against this Charter and all Offices, Powers, and Property created and held thereunder. This shall also include any similarly constructed law form worldwide, or any other persons similarly situated.

Sovran Network and SovAu Privacy Policy June 11th in the year 409 (2024 C.E.)