Privacy Policy

Last Updated June 11th 409 (2024 C.E.)

Your use of Emanu-El Michael Corp Sole or (referred to as “Sovran”) website and all products and services available thereon (“Service”) are offered to you on your acceptance of this Privacy Policy and Terms of Use and other notices posted on the Sovran website. Your use of the Sovran website, or of any products or services presented in any area of this website, indicates your acknowledgment and agreement to this Privacy Policy and Terms of Use and other notices posted on the Sovran website. We suggest you print a copy of each of these documents for your records.

Sovran recognizes your right to privacy and is strongly committed to protecting the privacy of all visitors to our website. The intent of this Privacy Policy is to clearly describe to visitors to the Sovran Service our privacy practices regarding the collection, use, or disclosure of information (including both personal and aggregate information).

We shall have the right, at our sole discretion, to modify, add or remove any terms or conditions of this Privacy Policy and Terms of Use without notice or liability to you. Any changes to this Privacy Policy and Terms of Use shall be effective immediately following the posting of such changes on our website. You agree to review this Privacy Policy and Terms of Use from time to time and agree that any subsequent use by you of our website following changes to this Privacy Policy and Terms of Use shall constitute your acceptance of all such changes.

If you do not want to be bound by the Privacy Policy and Terms of Use, do not access the Sovran website and its accompanying services.


By you visiting or signing up or using this Sovran Service you agree that you are a non-corporate, nonlegal fiction, Indigenous Man, Natural Person (“Member” and “Membership”) and you represent and warrant to Sovran and you agree that:

You are of legal age (18 years old or older) and are legally competent.

If you as a user and/or member of Sovran are a company, (i) your company is duly organized and validly exists under the applicable laws of the jurisdiction of its organization; (ii) the execution and delivery of this Privacy Policy and Terms of Use have been duly authorized by you personally, and (iii) anyone executing and delivering this Privacy Policy and Terms of Use and other transactions contemplated on behalf of your company has been duly authorized by you personally to do so.

It is legal to use this Service in your country of residence. You represent and warrant that by using this Service you do not violate any laws or regulations applicable to you.


Sovran is committed to protecting your privacy online and provides this Privacy Policy to inform our Sovran Members of our Services, policies, and procedures regarding the collection, use, and disclosure of personally identifiable information received from Sovran Members, including but not limited to the Right of the Indigenous to Self Determination. This Privacy Policy applies to all site visitors, Members, and Sovran merchants. The terms "personal information" and "your information" mean information that you provide to Sovran that may be required to personally identify you to be contacted or identified, such as your name, phone number, email address, and any other data that is tied to such information. "Your private information" refers to the information that you submit or use with Sovran Service. By using the Sovran Service, you are consenting to our processing of all information in all transactions of the Service as set forth in this Privacy Policy and the Terms of Use. 

Information of a Non-Personal Nature

As a general policy, with the exception of IP addresses, no personal information is automatically collected from visitors to the Sovran Service. Sovran does gather and analyse IP addresses and certain information of a non-personal nature regarding website usage by visitors to our website (also known as “clickstream data”). Such information can include the date and time of the visit to our website, the pages accessed and documents downloaded, the previous website visited or the next website you visit after ours, and the type of browser used to access our website. Such data is used in an aggregate form to assist us in determining general usage patterns and to administer, diagnose problems with, and fine-tune the layout of our website. We may share non-personal, summary, or aggregate visitor data with partners and other third parties at our discretion.

Your account is deemed to be a private man natural person’s account. By submitting your private information for the use of the Sovran Service, you agree that you wish to open a Sovran Service e-wallet as a natural person and your information remains private. We do not record information relating to your transactions or use of the Sovran Service. We do not collect or report your Sovran Service information from your e-wallet.

Collection, Use and Disclosure of Personal Information

Sovran only collects personal information from visitors who voluntarily and knowingly provide us with such information. While you are not required to provide us with personal information in order to access our website, some features of the website, as well as the products and services on our website, may not be accessible to all visitors without some form of registration and disclosure of personal information.

We shall only collect the personal information of visitors to our website with prior notification and limited to those details and for the duration necessary to fulfill the purposes of collection we have disclosed to you in our Privacy Policy or at the time we collect such information. We shall use all commercially reasonable efforts to protect your personal information with appropriate safeguards and security measures. We may use personal information you provide to us for feedback, administrative notices, new product offerings or other communications relevant to your use of our website or services. We may use personal information you provide to us for other fully disclosed purposes to the extent such use by us is explained to you when the information is voluntarily and knowingly provided to us.

We will not give, sell, rent, or loan any of your personal information to any unrelated third party (with the exception of third parties performing functions on our behalf who have an obligation to keep your information completely confidential or a third party who acquires our business) unless you have authorized us to do so.

Sovran reserves the right to access and/or disclose personal information where required to comply with applicable laws or lawful government requests or, in our reasonable opinion, to operate our website properly and securely, or to protect Sovran or other visitors to this website. To the extent reasonably possible in our sole opinion, we shall attempt to obtain the prior consent of the individual to whom such personal information relates prior to disclosure to third parties.

Confidentiality and Transmissions over the Internet

The transmission of information through the registration and purchase areas of Sovran site is protected by encryption in order to prevent unauthorized access to personal information. However, the transmission of data or information (including communications by e-mail) over the Internet or other publicly accessible networks is inherently insecure, and is subject to possible loss, interception or alteration while in transit. Accordingly, we do not assume any liability for any damage you may experience or costs you may incur as a result of any transmissions over the Internet or other publicly accessible networks, such as transmissions involving the use of your password for our website or the submission of any of your information us (including your personal information). While we shall take commercially reasonable efforts to safeguard the privacy of any personal information you provide us and treat such information in accordance with this Privacy Policy, in no event will the information you provide to us result in any liability to you on our part in the event that such information is inadvertently released by us or accessed by third parties without our consent. Notwithstanding the foregoing, to the extent that you are able to access the information of third parties through our website, we do not grant you any right or license to use such information.

Accessing and Updating Your Personal Information

If you wish to access or change any of your personal information we have on file in our records, other than that available to you and capable of being modified online, you may contact our support team. We will endeavor to keep the personal information you provide us accurate and up-to-date to the extent we are notified of any changes by you. You can assist by keeping us informed of any changes, or informing us if you find any errors in our information about you.

Third-Party Websites

Links or pointers to other websites and references to products and services offered by third parties are provided to you for convenience only and do not constitute an endorsement or approval by us of the organizations that operate such websites, the content on such websites, or of such third-party products and services. In particular, you should be aware that such third-party websites may collect data or solicit personal information from you. As we do not control such websites, we are not responsible for their privacy policies, or for the collection, use or disclosure of any data or personal information such websites may collect.


Your account is password-protected and includes 2FA functionality for your use. We use beyond industry-standard measures to protect the personal information that is on the Sovran Service, including patented security software known as the Asymmetric Encryption Omni Network (AEON) protocol.

Third-party blockchain transactions are handled by third-party Web3 wallets, which establish their own blockchain processing. They receive only the information needed to verify and authorize your transactions between third-party Web3 wallets and the Sovran Service. You are responsible for all the information you enter for your transactions in and out of the Sovran Service; we do not have any responsibility for errors you make with your input of data in any blockchain network. As a result, while we strive to protect your personal information, you acknowledge that: (a) there are security and privacy limitations of the third-party Web3 blockchain wallets which are beyond our control; (b) the security, integrity and privacy of any and all information and data exchanged between you and third-party Web3 blockchain wallets cannot be guaranteed; and (c) any such information breaches on third-party Web3 blockchain wallets may be viewed or tampered with in transit by a third party. You hereby acknowledge that the Sovran Service is not responsible for any intercepted information sent via third-party Web3 blockchain wallets, and you hereby release us from any and all claims arising out of or related to the use of intercepted information on these blockchains.

Sovran Privacy Policy June 30th in the year 409 (2024 C.E.)